Interview with TG Movie Company Tranisa

29 07 2013

Tranisa is one of the very few producers of erotic TG movies in the English language part of this market. I talked to Cheryl about story lines, filming, porn stars and the future of Tranisa.

(Republished from Rebecca’s World)

Q: Tranisa has established itself as one of the major producers of what we probably could call softcore MTF transgender erotica. What made you start this enterprise?

A: For many years I had wanted to create a range of transgender fantasy films which were ‘tasteful’ and fun. I have never seen any available anywhere and had no idea if there was a market for them.

I had all the kit and skills required but no idea of how to actually go about all the admin and logistics behind making such films. I started working for a client about 5 years ago filming and editing hard core films for a famous UK sex site and soon learned the business. I was introduced to the models we use and it went from there. It is one of those industries where I think you have to be introduced to  by someone in order to get into it and understand it all. It has been a real learning curve, but fun. Read the rest of this entry »

Mako’s favorite transgender movies and TV shows

12 07 2011

Just a thumbs up for a very proactive transformation fan that is vlogging over at YouTube. Mako is not only making TG stories, comics and movies, he is also having the first transformation video blog which his hosted by his male and female self.

Here is a presentation of his favorite gender change movies and TV shows, which should be of interest to readers of this blog:

Jana’s Transgender Manga And Anime

18 09 2008

The Japanese comics and animated movie industries — producing manga and anime, respectively — delivers a lot of transgender erotica. The problem is to find it and, for the Non-Japanese, to read it.

Fortunately, there are sites out there that try to help us in this respect. Jana’s TG Manga and Anime is one of them.

Anime image Mizuho and Shion

Anime image Mizuho and Shion

The site contains long lists of TG related content. It does not lead you to the comic strips or movies themselves, though. In order to find them, you will have to make use of other sites.

Jana says:

“If you want to get general information about the titles listed here, you must try in other sites, here the information will center only in the TG content in the different titles.”

This means that the site brings newcomers only one step of the way. Jana does provide links to other online resources on the home page though, sites that might help you find the gems she is recommending.

The site is a little bit hard to navigate. Here is a link to the list of titles.